What is Frame Syncing?

Frame syncing ensures simultaneous image capture from multiple cameras for consistent footage. The primary camera (leader) triggers secondary cameras (followers) using a signal, achieving seamless and coordinated frame capture. This synchronization aligns image acquisition timing and frame rates, crucial in cinematography, surveillance, and scientific imaging for accurate analysis and representation, especially in applications requiring precise timing.

Why is Frame Syncing Critical for Computer Vision?

Frame syncing is essential in computer vision as it ensures precise temporal alignment of images captured by multiple cameras. This synchronization is crucial for applications such as object tracking, stereo vision, and 3D reconstruction, enabling accurate correlation of events and consistent data fusion. The synchronized frames facilitate the training of machine learning models and reduce latency in real-time applications. By maintaining a uniform temporal relationship between frames, frame syncing enhances the overall reliability and accuracy of computer vision systems, allowing for a seamless integration of information from different perspectives and improving the understanding of dynamic scenes.

Our PrecisionSync™ Technology

Introducing our advanced frame syncing technology found in all our stellarHD camera lines. Designed to be as easy to use as possible and enabling the future of machine vision technology!

MODE 1: Leader-Follower

Designate one camera as the Leader and others as Followers using our Firmware loader app. The leader's start signal synchronizes all follower cameras, with no limit on the number of followers. The follower camera will stream properly even without a leader signal but as soon as a leader signal is detected, the camera will match the frames with the leader.

MODE 2: Followers

Set all cameras as followers. They synchronize using an external signal from a microcontroller, allowing unlimited follower cameras to match frames precisely. The cameras will stream properly even without a signal connected but they will not be synced. Once a signal is detected, the cameras will capture each frame accordingly. Frame rates and frequency must be matched in order for this to work.

PrecisionSync™ Demo with MODE 1 (Video slowed down by 97%)


Ensure that all synchronized cameras share a common ground (GND) signal, maintaining a resistance of no less than 10Ω along its path.

The FSIN wire originating from the cameras can function in follow mode, reading a sync signal, or in leader mode, generating a sync signal with a logic level of 3.3V. Connect all FSIN wires together to synchronize all cameras effectively.


Frame Sync Signal Requirement

Frequency based on FPS:
60FPS/59.94 NTSC (60.3Hz ± 0.4)
50FPS (50Hz ± 0.4)
40FPS (40Hz ± 0.4)
30FPS (30Hz ± 0.4)
15FPS (15Hz ± 0.4)

Recommended Duty Cycle: 30%
Logic Level: 3.3V
Rising Edge: 50ns or less